
In this work I consider ``probability’’ as a measure of evidential support for a given outcome or event (this is the so-called quasi-logical interpretation). For example, a coin, when tossed, can take one of two states when it lands, which I call heads or tails; I denote these two states \(H\) and \(T\). Assuming that I have no knowledge of a reason why the coin would fall one way rather than the other, I am forced to conclude that I have no more evidence to suggest that the coin will fall heads, compared to it falling tails.

With this philosophy, it is possible to construct an axiomatic mathematical model of probability. Here I will follow the approach taken by Kolmogorov cite:kolmogorov, approaching from set theory principles. By making some additional demands on this model, one of which is that an event which is considered ``certain’’ should have a probability of \(1\), it is possible to maintain consistency with boolean logic. Likewise, if an event is certain not to occur, it is assigned a probability \(0\).

In order to make future discussions more concise I define two concepts related to the configuration of a probabilistic system: sample space and state.

If a variable can take on a number of different values, then the set of all its possible values is called the sample space. In any given problem, the sample space composes the universe set, and is often denoted \(\Omega\).

The sample space is analogous to the configuration space of a (classical) physical system, or the state space of a quantum mechanical one.

A state is any subset of zero or more elements from the sample space. A state containing one element is a simple state, while one containing more than one element is a compound state. The states form a \(\sigma\)-algebra on the sample space.

Since the configuration of a probabilistic system is often time-dependent it is often natural to refer to a given state as an event.

Kolmogrov then postulates three axioms for probability cite:sepprobabilityinterpret.

Let \(x\) be some variable which is capable of having a state \(E \in \Omega\) for \(\Omega\) the sample space of the variable. Probability \(P\) is a mapping \(P: E \to [0,1]\) which assigns a real value between \(0\) and \(1\) to every \(E \in \Omega\). We place three constraints on the form of this mapping:

  1. For every \(E \in \Omega\), \(P(E) \geq 0\).

  2. \(P(\Omega) = \sum_{E \in \Omega} P(E) = 1\).

  3. For two states, \(A, B \in \Omega\) which are disjoint, such that \(A \cap B = \emptyset\), then \(P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B)\)

The first axiom ensures that all probabilities are positive, and that if a state exists within the sample space it has a probability greater than zero. It follows that states which do not exist (i.e. events which cannot occur) have zero probability.

The second axiom fulfils the requirement that the total probability of all possible states should be \(1\), and that the probability of the system having taking one state from the sample space (i.e. of one of the possible events occurring) is \(1\).

Finally, the third axiom defines how the probability of subsets within the sample space should be calculated. Provided a set of states are mutually exclusive (i.e. that they are disjoint in the sample space), the probability of the states together is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities.

Alternative axioms for probability also exist which do not attempt to define the theory so strongly in terms of measure theory, for example, Cox’s axioms…..J.

The basic logical operations can be extended to probabilities; the equivalent of the AND operation becomes the probability of the conjunction of two subsets of the sample space:

Given two states, \(A,B \in \Omega\), the probability of both states, \(P(A \cap B)\) is termed their ``joint probability’’. In the case that these states are independent it is computed as

\[P(A \cap B) = P(A) P(B).\]

Equally, the OR operation becomes the probability of the union of subsets of sample space:

Given two states \(A,B \in \Omega\), the probability of either \(A\) or \(B\) is \(P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cap B)\).

In the case that of two events which occur with some dependence between them, we can form a ``conditional probability’’, for example, if there can be no smoke without fire, then the probability of smoke can be conditional on the probability of fire.

Given two events, \(A,B \in \Omega\), then the probability of \(A\) given \(B\) is

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}P(A | B) = \frac{ P(A,B) }{ P(B) }.\\If :math:`P(B) = 0` then :math:`P(A)` is undefined.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Given that \(P(A,B) = P(B,A)\), we have \(P(A,B) = P(B,A) = P(B|A)P(A)\), which leads us to a powerful result in probability: Bayes Theorem cite:bayesessay.

Given two events, \(A\) and \(B\), we may represent the probability of \(A\) given \(B\) in terms of the probability of \(B\) given \(A\):

A useful corollary in the case of two independent states \(A,B\) (i.e. states which are disjoint in the sample space),

\[P(A|B) = \frac{P(A,B)}{P(B)} = \frac{(P(A)P(B))}{P(B)} = P(A).\]

There may also be situations where two variables become independent if the state of a third variable is known, providing conditional independence.

Two states, \(A,B\) are said to be conditionally independent given a third state, \(C\), if

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}P(A,B | C) = P(A|C)P(B|C).\\We can denote conditional independence as\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


From here on I will start to substitute the concept of a state or event for a variable which represents that state, so the notation \(P(x)\) will represent the probability of a variable state \(x\). Since a variable can represent a set of potential states, we can introduce a function which maps from the variable to the probability.

In the case of a discrete sample space this function is the probability mass function.

For a discrete variable \(x\), the probability mass function, \(p\), of the variable is the mapping \(p(x) = P(X=x)\)

In the case of a continuous sample space the mapping \(p\) is known as a abbr:pdf, which is defined

For a continuous variable \(x\), the probability density function \(p\) of the variable is the mapping \(p_X\) such that the probability of a state between \(a\) and \(b\) is

It is normal to use the short-hand notation \(p(x)\) for the probability of a value \(x\) to represent \(\int_{-\epsilon}^{\epsilon} p(x) \dd{x}\) for a small value of \(\epsilon\).


Understanding how informative an random variable, \(X\) is can provide insight into how well observations of that variable will inform our knowledge of the probability distribution from which it is drawn.

Given a abbr:pdf, \(p\), for a random variable, \(X\), which is parameterised by a variable \(\theta\), the score, \(V\) of the abbr:pdf is defined

The variance of the score is the Fisher information of the distribution:

Knowledge of the Fisher information for a given distribution is particularly valuable in selecting an uninformative prior (see section ref:sec:probability:priors:uninformative) when designing a Bayesian analysis, where it can be valuable for the prior probability distribution to contribute no information to the inference.

Given a abbr:pdf, \(p\), for a random variable \(X\) the Shannon information content of a given value \(x\) of \(X\) is defined as

where the information is measured in bits (assuming that a base-2 logarithm is used; if the natural logarithm is used the units are nats, and the base-10 gives rise to the dit).

The entropy of a random variable \(X\) with a abbr:pdf, \(p\) is the average Shannon information of the random variable across all its possible values:

taking \(0 \log (1/0) \equiv 0\).

Comparing probability distributions

The information difference between two probability distributions, or indeed the information gain of one relative to another can be an important metric when producing inferential models.

\begin{definition} [Kullback-Lieblier Divergence] For two probability distributions, \(P\) and \(Q\) the Kullback-Liebler Divergence characterises the relative information content of the two, and is defined as


A related metric, the Shannon-Jensen divergence is symmetric and always finite.

For two probability distributions, \(P\) and \(Q\) the Shannon-Jensen Divergence characterises the relative information content of the two, and is defined as

Prior knowledge

The prior probability distribution is perhaps the characterising feature of the Bayesian approach to statistics, whereby the state of belief prior to any observation being made is encoded in a probability distribution. Bayes Theorem allows the updating of our state of belief, with the prior distribution being updated by data collected from observation or experiment.

The least informative priors

While the ability to incorporate prior knowledge into an inference is valuable, there are clearly times when we have no prior knowledge of a situation. In these situations we must turn to least informative priors, which place the same probability on any possible event in the sample space. The simplest approach to constructing such a prior is through the principle of indifference, whereby equal probability is assigned to every possible state. For example, if we wished to conduct an experiment to determine the fairness of a 20-sided die, but had no prior knowledge to assume that one side was more likely to be rolled (which is the desirable state for a fair die) then we would assume each side had a probability of \(1/20\) of being rolled. In a continuous system such an arrangement is represented as a uniform distribution. Such an approach must be taken with care, however.

Consider the situation in which cube is hidden behind a curtain. We are told that each edge of the cube is between 3 and 5 metres long. We have no further information to indicate which length is most likely, so assign uniform probability to each possibility. The mid-point of this uniform distribution is then \(\SI{4}{\meter}\), so we might conclude that to be the most likely length of each side, giving a cube with \(\SI{16}{\meter^2}\) faces, and a volume of \(\SI{64}{\meter^3}\). We are then told that the surface area of each face is between \(\SI{5}{\meter^2}\) and \(\SI{25}{\meter^2}\). Making similar assumptions we’d reach the conclusion that the surface area of each face was \(\SI{15}{\meter^2}\). This is clearly in tension with our estimate from the edge lengths; clearly the choice of a uniform prior in one set of variables implies a non-uniform one in another.

It is therefore desirable to work with a prior distribution which will vary appropriately under a change of variables 1; such a prior is known as a Jeffreys Prior. A Jeffreys Prior which will be invariant under reparameterisation of parameters \(\vec{\theta}\) can be determined from the Fisher information, \(I\):

Feature spaces and Kernels

A feature map is a projection from a lower-dimensional data space to a higher-dimensional one, which can be represented by a mapping, \(\phi\).

For a \(D\)-dimensional vector \(\vec{x}\), a feature map, \(\phi : \mathbb{R}^{D} \to \mathbb{R}^{N}\) is a mapping which projects \(\vec{x}\) into an \(N\)-dimensional space, the feature space.

This can be a valuable technique in statistical regression and classification, where data may become linearly separable in a higher dimensional space, or can be described by a simpler function than in the original data space. An example of such a mapping is \(\phi : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^{3}, \quad \phi(x) = (1, x, x^2)^{\transpose}\), (where \(\cdot^{\transpose}\) is the transpose operator) which can be used to implement quadratic regression, as

which remains linear (and therefore analytically solvable) provided \(\phi\) is independent of \(\vec{w}\).

Once data is mapped from the data space into the feature space it is desirable to have some notion of distance between the features (which we might interpret as the similarity between pairs of data). We define a function which computes such a quantity as a kernel:

For all variables \(x\) and \(x'\) in the input space, \(\set{X}\) of a probability distribution, a mapping \(k: \set{X} \times \set{X} \to \mathbb{R}\) is a kernel function.

If the kernel function can be written in the form of a dot-product between two feature maps, \(\phi: \set{X} \to \set{V}\),

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}k(x, x') = \langle \phi(x), \phi(x') \rangle v,\\for :math:`\set{V}` some inner product space, then we can perform the\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

``kernel trick’’, allowing us to define the kernel in terms of the inner products within the data, without resorting to an external coordinate system.

Structured probability distributions

A complicated joint probability distribution can often be factorised into lower-dimensional factor distributions if there are conditional independences within the model which that distribution describes. For example,

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} p(a,b,c) = p(a | b , c) p(b, c) = p(a | b, c) p (b | c) p(c).\\We can then represent these factorisations in the form of a directed\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

graph, with

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}c \to b \to a\\representing :math:`p(a,b,c)`. In such a graph we use the direction of\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

an arrow to imply a conditional relationship. When expressed in this form we can call the probability distribution a belief network, or a graphical model.

As a concrete (if rather naive) example, consider a situation in which observations are made continuously over the whole sky with two detectors. One is sensitive to abbr:gw emission, and the other to gamma ray emission. An observing program is established to analyse transient signals detected with one or both of these telescopes, with the belief that abbr:gw bursts can be produced by either a abbr:bns coalescence, or a abbr:bbh coalescence.

A simple model is constructed which contains four variables

  1. \(\Gamma \in \{ 0, 1 \}\) which takes the value \(1\) iff a abbr:sgrb is detected,

  2. \(G \in \{ 0, 1 \}\) which takes the value \(1\) iff a abbr:gw burst is detected,

  3. \(B \in \{ 0, 1 \}\) which takes the value \(1\) iff a abbr:bbh coalescence has occurred, and

  4. \(N \in \{ 0, 1 \}\) which takes the value \(1\) iff a abbr:bns coalescence has occurred.

The joint probability distribution of this model is then \(p(\Gamma, G, B, N)\), however we can break this down into a structured form by applying the definition of conditional probability (definition ref:def:probability:conditional),

We can represent this model as a graph

Our observers have access to a number of up to date astrophysical theories which they can use to further develop the model; these place conditional independence constraints on the model.

  • abbr:bbh coalescences and abbr:bns coalescences are independent (one does not cause the other)

This statement implies that \(p(B | N) = p(B)\), and \(p(N | B) = p(N)\), which we can represent in the graphical form of the model by removing the edge connecting \(B\) and \(N\).

  • A abbr:bbh coalescence does not produce any electromagnetic emission (and therefore cannot produce a abbr:sgrb)

This statement implies that \(p(\Gamma | B) = p(\Gamma)\), which can be represented in the graphical form of the model by removing the edge connecting \(\Gamma\) and \(B\).

These two constraints considerably simplify the model, and we are now left with the distribution in the form

which is easily interpreted from the graphical form of the model, but could have been tedious to derive algebraically.

We can define a belief network more generally as follows.

A belief network is a probability distribution of the form

where \(\mathrm{pa}(x)\) represents the parental set of the variable \(x\); that is, the set of all variables in the graph which have a directed edge ending at \(x\), or the set of all variables on which \(x\) is directly conditional.

Equivalence of graphical models

An important caveat with the use of graphical models is that two graphically distinct models may be mathematically equivalent. The reason for this becomes clear when considering the procedure used to factorise the probability distribution starting at equation ref:probability:structured:example:breakdown. If we had chosen to re-arrange the variables such that the joint distribution was \(p(N,B,G, \Gamma)\) we would have been left with a factorised distribution in which the arrows of the graph pointed in opposite directions, yet this is clearly still the same probability distribution, since probabilities are commutative. To overcome this problem we need to have a definition of equivalence in the graph. A suitable definition is that of Markov equivalence cite:barberBRML2012:

Two graphs are Markov equivalent if they both represent the same set of conditional independence statements.

Clearly some method to determine this graphically is warranted. To do so it is helpful to define a (rather judgmentally-named) property:

Consider three nodes, \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\) in a abbr:dag. If \(C\) is a child of both \(A\) and \(B\), but \(A\) and \(B\) are not directly connected, then the configuration \(A \rightarrow C \leftarrow B\) is denoted an immorality.

In order to determine Markov equivalence we remove all of the directionality from the edges of the graph, producing the skeleton graph. Two graphs are Markov equivalent if they share the same skeleton, and if they share the same set of immoralities.


In section ref:sec:probability:structured I introduced a probabilistic model which consisted of the joint probability of all of the model parameters. Taking the example of joint abbr:gw and gamma ray observations, if we know the probability that at any given time there will be a abbr:bns event, we can infer the probability that a abbr:sgrb and a abbr:gw burst will occur. A model of this form is often considered a “forward model”, in that it predicts the probability of an observable, and calculation through the graph follows the arrows. While such forward models are of considerable utility when attempting to make predictions about unknown variables, often with pre-existing data, they are unable to answer a question such as “given that I have seen a abbr:gw, but no abbr:sgrb, what is the probability that I have observed a abbr:bbh event?”. In order to answer such a question we must traverse the graphical model backwards, against the direction of the arrows. This process is known as inference.

In order to produce the reverse model we can turn to Bayes Theorem (theorem ref:the:probability:bayes-theorem). This allows us to derive an expression for \(p(B = 1 | G = 1, \Gamma = 0)\), that is, the probability that we observe a abbr:bbh given that we’ve observed a abbr:gw but no abbr:sgrb.

the probability \(p(B = 1 | G = 1, \Gamma = 0)\) is called the posterior probability of $B$.

Inference which is based on Bayes Theorem, is a method of statistical inference which is well-suited to situations where a body of evidence grows over time, with new results updating previous understanding of some phenomenon, and as such is well suited to the analysis of experimental data. It is well suited to the analysis of abbr:gw data, where measurements are frequently made at different sensitivities during different observing runs.

If we have some hypothesis, some parameters of the hypothesis, \(I\) (also called hyperparameters), and some experimental data, we can determine the probability of the hypothesis via

where \(p(\text{data} | \text{hypothesis})\) represents the likelihood; the probability that a given datum would be observed given the hypothesis, and \(p(\text{hypothesis}|I)\) represents the prior probability, which represents the understanding of the probability of the hypothesis before the experiment was conducted. \(p(\text{hypothesis} | \text{data}, I)\) is the posterior probability of the hypothesis cite:Sivia2006.

Bayesian inference can then be used as a powerful method for model selection, where the posterior probabilities of two competing models are compared, with a greater posterior probability indicating greater support for a given model.

Stochastic processes

A stochastic process is some collection of random variables which can be indexed by a set, the index set. When a stochastic process is used to describe a physical system the indexing set is often taken to be time (represented as either a real or natural number), for example for Brownian motion. Each random variable takes values from its own sample space, \(\Omega\). Since each random variable will have a different value each time the process is evaluated, the value of the process as a whole, across all indices, will be different each time. An individual draw from such a process is a realisation, or a sample function.

A stochastic process is represented as the set \(\setbuilder{X(t) | t \in \mathsf{T}}\) for \(X(t)\) the random variable drawn indexed by the value \(t\) from the index set \(T\).

A simple example of a stochastic process is the Bernoulli process, in which each random variable is the result of a Bernoulli test, for example, flipping a (potentially biased) coin. In such a process each \(X(t) \in \{0,1\}\), and \(P(X(t) = 1) = p\), with \(p\) taking the same value for all \(t\). Because each Bernoulli trial is independent, and all of the trials are equally distributed, the process is abbr:iid.

The Poisson process extends the concept of a Bernoulli process to the continuous case. Where the Bernoulli process models a discrete state of a system at some given index, the Poisson process models the number of times the system has taken that state in the interval between two indices.

A Markov process can be either a discrete or continuous stochastic process where the probability of moving to the next state depends only on the current state of the process, and none of the previous ones. These processes are of considerable importance in Bayesian statistics thanks to their use in various sampling algorithms.

Approximate inference methods

In many problems the posterior probability distribution which we need to evaluate will not be analytical. As a result identifying regions of the distribution where the probabilities are large (therefore the areas of interest within the distribution) is likely to require evaluating the function over its entire parameter space, which may be large. This problem is further complicated if the distribution is multi-modal, or contains narrow peaks which may be difficult to find. Further, the evidence term for the posterior is not normally known. The combination of these issues for many distributions makes drawing samples from an arbitrary posterior probability distribution difficult.

For inference, we have two problems which must be solved: how to generate independent samples from a given probability distribution, and how to estimate the expectation of functions under the distribution.

If we are able to solve the first problem the second can be estimated by using \(R\) random samples, \(\setbuilder{\vec{x}_r | r \in 1, \dots, R}\), drawn from the distribution, giving an estimator for the expectation, \(\hat{\expect}(\phi)\) for the function \(\phi\),

Given that evaluating a continuous system at every location in its state space is not possible we need a means of producing samples from the distribution which are representative of the distribution. A straight-forward approach is to uniformly sample the state space (one strategy to do this would be to devise a grid and take samples at each grid point), however such an approach will work only for the simplest distributions (see chapters 4 and 29 of…..M for a detailed information theoretic discussion on this).

If sampling from the distribution is difficult, but evaluating it at a specific location in its parameter space is possible, a number of sampling methods are possible. The simplest of these, importance sampling, and rejection sampling rely on sampling from a tractable distribution, such as a Gaussian distribution, and then correcting the samples in some way based on the evaluation of the target distribution.

With importance sampling, rather than sampling from the complicated distribution, \(P\), (the target distribution), we instead sample from a distribution, \(Q\), which we do know how to sample from, such as a normal or a uniform distribution (see figure ref:fig:probability:importance-sampling for a cartoon illustrating this arrangement). Since we do not necessarily know the normalisation of \(P\) or \(Q\) we can instead sample and evaluate within a scalar multiple, \(Z\), such that \(ZP^*(x) = P(x)\). We then draw the samples \(\setbuilder{\vec{x}_r | r \in 1, \dots, R}\) from \(Q\), and evaluate \(Q(x)\) and \(P(x)\) for each sample. In regions where \(Q(x)\) is greater than \(P(x)\) the samples will over-represent \(P(x)\) (and vice versa when \(Q(x)\) is smaller than \(P(x)\)). To account for this each sample is re-weighted to adjust its importance by the ratio

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}w_r = \frac{P^*(x_r)}{Q^*(x_r)}\\so then equation ref:eq:probability:mcmc:expectation becomes\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
\[\hat{\expect}(\phi) = \frac{ \sum_r w_r \phi(x_r) }{\sum_r w_r}\]

While importance sampling is an improvement over uniform sampling, it will fail to converge in situations where the target distribution contains many separated peaks, and will struggle to explore a high-dimensional space efficiently.

Rejection sampling uses a similar principle to importance sampling, using a proposal distribution, \(Q(x)\), which can be sampled directly, to generate the samples (see figure ref:fig:probability:rejection-sampling for an illustration of how \(P\) and \(Q\) relate). The method assumes we know the value of a constant, \(c\) such that \(cQ^*(x) > P^*(x) \forall x\).

This method requires two random numbers to be generated: a sample \(x\) is drawn from \(Q(x)\), and \(cQ(x)\) is calculated. Then a variable \(u\) is drawn from the uniform distribution \(U(0, cQ^*(x))\). If \(u > P^*(x)\) — that is, it lies in the region between \(P^*(x)\) and \(Q^*(x)\)—it is rejected, and discarded. Otherwise, it is accepted, and kept. This method ensures that only points which lie within \(P^*(x)\) are retained, preventing over-representation, and also that the density of samples is proportional to \(P^*(x)\) thanks to the uniform distribution of samples under \(P^*(x)\).

Rejection sampling is fundamentally similar to Buffon’s Needle Problem, in which needles dropped on floorboards can be used to estimate the value of \(\pi\), and can be used to evaluate complex integrals outwith probability problems.

Rejection sampling will struggle to converge if the target and proposal distributions are not similar, as the region \([P^*(x), Q^*(x)]\) between the two functions will be large, so the probability of generating samples with \(u<P^*(x)\) will be small. The method is also impractical in more than one-dimension, as similarly, the probability of generating a point within the volume described by \(P^*(x)\) will diminish with growing dimensionality.

The deficiencies of these two methods lead to the development of a more sophisticated approach: abbr:mcmc.

Markov-Chain Monte Carlo

As noted previously, rejection sampling struggles to efficiently sample a distribution if the proposal and target distributions are not similar. In order to address this failing, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm constructs a proposal distribution which depends on the sampling location (or more precisely, the current state of the sampler). This proposal distribution will often be something simple, like a Normal distribution centred on the current \(x_t\) being considered.

As with rejection sampling, a tentative state, \(x'\) is drawn from a proposal distribution, \(Q^*(x', x_t)\), given the current state, \(x_t\). The ratio

is evaluated. If \(a \geq 1\) the new state is accepted; otherwise the new state is accepted with a probability \(a\). If the new state is accepted it becomes the current state (i.e. \(x_{t+1} = x'\)); if it is rejected the current state is retained, so \(x_{t+1} = x_t\).

In the case that a symmetrical proposal distribution is chosen, such as a normal distribution, the second ratio in equation ref:eq:probability:metropolis:acceptance will always be equal to \(1\), providing a simpler expression for \(a\), which will be consequently faster to evaluate. The behaviour of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm produces a stochastic process with the Markov property.

In order to improve the computational efficiency of an abbr:mcmc algorithm the gradient information of the problem can be taken into account, which will guide the process to the regions of high probability. These methods, known as Hamiltonian MCMC methods can allow faster convergence, and therefore reduce the number of computations required to perform Bayesian inference. The No-U-Turns sampler cite:2011arXiv1111.4246H is an example of such a method which includes various algorithmic refinements to allow the sampler to work efficiently in hierarchical models (see section ref:sec:probability:hierarchical) without requiring manual tuning.

Hierarchical modelling

Structured probability distributions, as introduced in section ref:sec:probability:structured have the useful property that the posterior distribution can be constructed as the product of a set of independent probability distributions. This structure is frequently useful when describing physical systems, where, for example, we wish to infer the properties of an underlying physical system from a set of individual observations.

An example of such a hierarchical model, used to determine the mean jet opening angle (beaming angle) of abpl:sgrb is presented in chapter :raw-latex:`\ref{cha:gamma-ray-burst}` and in Williams et al. cite:dwsgrbbayesianconstraint, in which a hierarchical approach is taken to determining the probability distribution of the beaming angle via the rates at which observations of abpl:sgrb and abbr:bns events are observed. These are themselves determined from observed quantities, such as the number of observed events, the time over which detections were made, and the false alarm rate of the detection process. A model such as this, which has two layers of inference, is comparatively easy to extend; the inferred beaming angle could, for example, be used as part of the inference of the generating phenomenon.

Hierarchical models are gaining popularity in other areas of abbr:gw research, principally black hole population inference cite:2017MNRAS.471.2801S,2012PhRvD..86l4032A.


It is worth noting that in probability and statistics this property is known as invariance, but in other areas of mathematics and physics is more likely to be called covariance, for example in general relativity.

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